Urgent update
Final EBA Circulated for Final Approval – Vote YES
Today, the DHS started circulating the final Enterprise Agreement as part of the formal approval process. The new agreement maintains current conditions and incorporates those improvements won by members in the 2012 EBA Campaign.
Late next week HACSU will be direct mailing to members’ homes a detailed publication on the gains and protections won by members as a result of their campaign.
The timetable for the approval is
• 4 Jan 13 DHS circulates the Agreement
• 14 Jan13 Ballot opens and will be mailed to employees' home address
• 29 Jan 13 Ballot closes at 10am and will be counted on the day
• 30 Jan 13 Subject to ballot result, Agreement will be submitted to Fair Work Commission for formal approval.
• Agreement comes into operation 7 days after the formal approval by FWC.
• Pay increases, back-pay, sign-on bonus etc to be paid throughout February.